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Add hypno phase 2
he probably cant but here is one with phase 2 and missingno: 622377445 click the numbers
the way that gold look like iis very uncomfort he is scary :| BRUH
IDK What happened to him exactly :|
according to the wiki hypno got angry because gold couldnt be hypnotized and forced red (gold/ethan's friend) to chop his limbs off and gauge his eyes out
this isnt real lost silver lore just the mod lore
ouch that's really mean
for lullaby gf its left up right down (hold space) right right down down up up left
secret key= C
cheeky test?
down down down left left up sounds like a remix of my battle idk
left up right down spaced right up down left for hypno
missingno is an glitch pokemon in the pokemon series i saw it since i had youtube i was watching sonofaglitch
you probably knew about fnf before you knew about pokemon stfu
whos this evil demon with white cloth floating? whats his name?
gold/lost silver and hes not a demon
hes a humanoid pokemon entity
do u mean the monochrome song guy ??
yeah his name is gold
ahaa :> ok there is so many mods that I need to catch up :,)
and thats not white cloth on his head thats pale skinthe ''cloth'' is a stray jacket
lost silver lost his limbs because of hypno
no because hypno wasn't in the Pokemon tower go play the creepypasta
thats the fnf mod lore
go to the wiki
in the lost silver creepypasta the reason he lost his limbs is still unown
Maybe the child who first played the cartrige died with their limbs cut off?
no because the creepypasta came from 4chan and the story is being told from 1st person perspective meaning thhe child lived to tell the story
Lost silver or gold
also hes not evil
he has no care for anything and no intention of harming anyone
hes just a soul-less husk
left unchecked (hypno): down up right left (hold spacebar) right down up leftmonochrome (dead ethan): left down up right (hold spacebar) repeat
Pink Soilders: left, right, left, right, left, up, left, up
bruh why squig gaem
down down left up is start of tabi mod song my battle
where is missingno?
no missingno
t he r e i s GOLD
c is the secret key on pc i press it firts try
qual e a secret keyyyyyyyyyyyyy
For hypno do : left up right down. then space bar same thing
And for gf the same thing but while holding space do: right x2 down x2 up x2 left
for gold do : left down up right space bar left down up
what the hell
he wasnt dead in the first place
the mod says he transfered all of his power to his brain so he could hypnotize and kill girlfriend
so his body was useless at that time
that weird tho
where is the video
god fucking danmit why didnt you just copy the image url or smth
right click the image and press copy image url
then ctrl/control + v to put it in ur comment
also dont be so demanding
hypno: left down up
gf: left down up
monochrome: left down up right
secret key: c [on keyboard]
u didnt do the full thing for space bar idiot :)
dont call him an idiot because of that
hes probably on mobile
i hate toxic people that insult someone over a small error
jeez its called a joke rude ass bitch
its litteraly called diffrent types of humor
calling someone a rude name isnt a joke
also how am i rude
theres a thing called different types of humor dumbass
your an idiot.
hypno (down up right left space space up space down space right)
girl (down up right left space right space right space down space down space up space up left)
taki test
can i help you build for macos cause it don;t work for 64 bit
key is c
calm down before you burst a blood vessel man
how about dave and bambk
applecore test pls
do sonic exe 2.0 test next
and i AGREE
Gooooooooo bot studio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😎😎😎😎
lets go!
and sunky :v
PLSSSSSSS add test sonic.exe 2.0 pllllls
https://botstudio.itch.io/fnfsonic2testI think there is it :>
cant wait for vs baldi test!
q pro xd
yeah c
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Add hypno phase 2
he probably cant but here is one with phase 2 and missingno:
622377445 click the numbers
the way that gold look like iis very uncomfort he is scary :| BRUH
IDK What happened to him exactly :|
according to the wiki hypno got angry because gold couldnt be hypnotized and forced red (gold/ethan's friend) to chop his limbs off and gauge his eyes out
this isnt real lost silver lore just the mod lore
ouch that's really mean
for lullaby gf its left up right down (hold space) right right down down up up left
secret key= C
cheeky test?
down down down left left up sounds like a remix of my battle idk
left up right down spaced right up down left for hypno
missingno is an glitch pokemon in the pokemon series i saw it since i had youtube i was watching sonofaglitch
you probably knew about fnf before you knew about pokemon stfu
whos this evil demon with white cloth floating? whats his name?
gold/lost silver and hes not a demon
hes a humanoid pokemon entity
do u mean the monochrome song guy ??
yeah his name is gold
ahaa :> ok there is so many mods that I need to catch up :,)
and thats not white cloth on his head thats pale skin
the ''cloth'' is a stray jacket
lost silver lost his limbs because of hypno
no because hypno wasn't in the Pokemon tower go play the creepypasta
thats the fnf mod lore
go to the wiki
in the lost silver creepypasta the reason he lost his limbs is still unown
Maybe the child who first played the cartrige died with their limbs cut off?
no because the creepypasta came from 4chan and the story is being told from 1st person perspective meaning thhe child lived to tell the story
Lost silver or gold
also hes not evil
he has no care for anything and no intention of harming anyone
hes just a soul-less husk
left unchecked (hypno): down up right left (hold spacebar) right down up left
monochrome (dead ethan): left down up right (hold spacebar) repeat
Pink Soilders: left, right, left, right, left, up, left, up
bruh why squig gaem
down down left up is start of tabi mod song my battle
where is missingno?
no missingno
t he r e i s GOLD
c is the secret key on pc i press it firts try
qual e a secret keyyyyyyyyyyyyy
For hypno do : left up right down. then space bar same thing
And for gf the same thing but while holding space do: right x2 down x2 up x2 left
for gold do : left down up right space bar left down up
what the hell
he wasnt dead in the first place
the mod says he transfered all of his power to his brain so he could hypnotize and kill girlfriend
so his body was useless at that time
that weird tho
where is the video
I NEED SONIC.EXE V2 TEST NOW OR ELSE I WILL COMMIT DYE epic chaos sonic in this page btw
god fucking danmit why didnt you just copy the image url or smth
right click the image and press copy image url
then ctrl/control + v to put it in ur comment
also dont be so demanding
hypno: left down up
gf: left down up
monochrome: left down up right
secret key: c [on keyboard]
u didnt do the full thing for space bar idiot :)
dont call him an idiot because of that
hes probably on mobile
i hate toxic people that insult someone over a small error
jeez its called a joke rude ass bitch
its litteraly called diffrent types of humor
calling someone a rude name isnt a joke
also how am i rude
theres a thing called different types of humor dumbass
your an idiot.
hypno (down up right left space space up space down space right)
girl (down up right left space right space right space down space down space up space up left)
taki test
can i help you build for macos cause it don;t work for 64 bit
key is c
calm down before you burst a blood vessel man
how about dave and bambk
applecore test pls
do sonic exe 2.0 test next
and i AGREE
Gooooooooo bot studio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😎😎😎😎
lets go!
and sunky :v
PLSSSSSSS add test sonic.exe 2.0 pllllls
I think there is it :>
cant wait for vs baldi test!
q pro xd
yeah c