It's Hypno  from Week "hypno" from Friday Night Funkin Vs. Hypno Lullaby! Credits do really go to Badbuds for making the Friday Night Funkin' Vs. Hypno Lullaby mod :) ! Play on the web here on a PC/Mobile devices! If you want, if you have a windows computer, you can also download it with the download button below!


To switch to touch control, touch the toggle in game.

Arrow keys to play the sounds (For mobile press D-pad button) 

Hold space and press any other arrow key for secondary sound (For mobile A Button and D-pad button)

Secret Key = ??? ;)

Hold any of the buttons to hold a pose!

Check out the Friday Night Funkin here:

Also check out Friday Night Funkin on Newgrounds:

Check out the original Friday Night Funkin' Vs. Hypno Lullaby mod:


FNF Hypno Lullaby Test Ver 1.0 - 106 MB
FNF Hypno Lullaby Test Ver 1.0 - 101 MB
FNF Hypno Lullaby Test Ver 1.0 - 107 MB

Install instructions

To download on Windows, Mac, and Linux, download the appropriate .zip file, and extract it. Then run the executable, to play the game.  On mobile or people who don't want to download, play on the web here.


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secret key Z

(1 edit)

ADD MT SILVER (frostbite, not the dumb retextured monochrome)

Alt is tankman's ugh


Yo guys , Hypno's Lulluby V2 just came out! Go check it out on

ya your righ

(1 edit)

secret key is v

No its C


if anyne didnt know and doesnt watch pokemon: every character in the mod is from pokemon and lost silver is broken ash

(1 edit)

Lost Silver is not Ash he is Silver AKA the protagonist from Soul Silver. Also if you have not already check out the creepy pasta behind Mount Silver/ Lost Silver its good.





secret key C on gf

stopid load

i cant play*

 am angry

it did that to me when i was trying to playing the bunozo bunny test

ok i pee but not in my pents


am already ready to pee in my pants bruh


why do u guys never answer me? i'm lonley

im here dw 

was kiddin

can you tell the difference between mount silver and lost silver?



can you do friday night funkin vs mommy long legs?

now guys for monochrome is left up down right if anyone who is new can remember that!!!!!

u can't

c a n w e g e t m i s s i n g n o



i sad :(

does it do that?

for some reason, it's not working

izquierda abajo arriba derecho 

Left Unchecked:v^>< space <^v<

Monochrome:<v^> space <v^>

die little girlfrind

why do u want girlfriend to die

because hypno says that bro                                      

learn some songs bro (no hate tho)

oh.okay great thanks!

um monochrome when pressing spase and right it is hypnos phase 2

ouro; esquerda baixo cima baixo

esquerda baixo cima direita

esquerda direita cima baixo

Shut your mouth up

not nice

hypno : down up right left space right up down left

gf: down up right left space rightx2 downx2 upx2 left

secret key c

lost silver: left down up right space left down up

left down up right hold space then the same combo

what are gold notes?

u h

left down up right

(if you wanna make the first few notes for monochrome)

ur test is very good btw..

Botstudio.Why did you add Hypno phase 2 sounds at his phase 1?Also.Instead of GF You could do Hypno phase 2!

(3 edits)

because some of phase 2's poses are too big to fit in that little box the test is in

also 8 sounds isnt enough to make a full verse for those vocals (2 sets of arrow keys, unlock set 2 buy holding space)

use ur brain kid

ooh i get it...srry

it fine 

Add lost silver/gold/monochrome

go to gf and press c he will appear


did it work for u

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